Looking for a trusted and reputed wholesaler to buy your stock of aluminium foil tape? WP Supplies is the chief distributor in Victoria for all PPC (Precision Paper Coatings Pty Ltd) products. We have a large stock in various sizes, regular and economy, of this high strength, flexible aluminium duct tape for all your packaging needs.

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WP Supplies, with over a decade of experience, is the leading wholesale packaging solutions specialist for all kinds of aluminium foil and adhesive tapes. The PPC aluminium foil tapes are the best and most popular home-grown brand of packaging solutions.

Contact the WP Supplies Team to discuss your requirements. We offer aluminium duct tapes from PPC in varying sizes and grades. You can find premium grade reinforced aluminium foil tape; special economy reinforced aluminium foil tape, plain and cold weather formulation range at wholesale trade prices. If you find any other vendor with a lower price, we offer a price match guarantee!

PPC aluminium foil tapes are manufactured to the highest standards and have the following features:

  • Australian made to meet Australian industry requirements
  • Cetec Certified – Green Star – Low VOC emitting-less than 0.5mg/m2/hr
  • Coated with an aggressive synthetic adhesive for strength in conforming
  • Maintains effective bond through a wide temperature range
  • Highly conformable in corners and across irregular surfaces
  • Joining overlaps on vapour control layers of foil faced insulation

Explore our range of aluminium foil tapes from your local packaging supplies leader. We offer a price match guarantee and have a highly trained, skilled and knowledgeable customer support team to guide you to make the best choice for your requirements. Connect with us to ask for special account holders discounts and bulk quantity prices.